Summer Courses are Available at UA Cossatot

The spring 2019 semester at UA Cossatot has now closed, and summer classes are set to begin on June 3, 2019. UA Cossatot has many courses that are available for traditional and nontraditional students seeking to start, continue, or finish their education.

UA Cossatot’s summer classes can be taken in-class, online, during the day, during the evening, and at any of the four UA Cossatot campus locations to help accommodate students who may have demanding schedules or live and work in certain areas. The college also offers AV classes in which class can be taught at Ashdown, Nashville, and De Queen through an AV room at the same time with the same instructor. This type of teaching can help students save money and it makes classes more convenient and available.

UA Cossatot has four options for taking classes this summer. Students can choose to take 1) a 4-week course starting on June 3, 2) a 6-week class beginning on June 3, 3) a full 8-week summer term class beginning on June 3, or 4) a 4-week summer class starting on July 1. Classes beginning in June start on June 3 and classes beginning in July start on July 1. June 3 is the last day to register for courses starting on June 3, and June 28 is the last day to register for classes that begin on July 1.

The college will be offering business, history, math, English, Spanish, medical, criminal justice, education, management, physical education, and psychology classes this summer to name a few. Summer registration is now open and tuition at UA Cossatot this summer is $72 per hour.

Ashley Dougherty, Lynze Greathouse, and Mary Collom are three featured UA Cossatot instructors who will be teaching online classes this summer. Dougherty will be teaching Small Business Management,

Greathouse will be teaching College Algebra and Survey of Calculus, and Collom will be teaching Comp 1 and Comp 2.

Math instructor, Lynze Greathouse said, “Summer courses at UA Cossatot are a great opportunity for recent high school graduates, university students who are home for the summer, or anyone looking to pursue higher education. Our faculty are highly qualified and provide the same quality education that you would receive at a large university, but with smaller class sizes and more affordable costs.”

Fifty-one percent of UA Cossatot courses use open educational resources (OER) to teach, which means no cost for materials. The college is a member of the Open Textbook Network and strives to make classes more affordable to students. Some classes require textbooks, but UA Cossatot students only pay $30 per course for rentals. The college’s Educational Resource Center (ERC) handles all textbook and OER information. Students can check whether their class uses OER or requires a textbook at the ERC website

To register for summer classes, please contact Student Services at 800-844-4471, or come by and visit with them. Walk-Ins are always welcome. UA Cossatot campus hours will be open this summer from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Thursday and 7:30 AM to 11:30 PM on Friday.
