Congratulations to the Ashdown Spring semester’s 28 10th grade students that successfully demonstrated proficiency in personal finance by achieving a passing score on the nationally standardized Wise! Financial Literacy Certification test in Mrs. Tipton’s Financial Literacy Class. Subjects mastered include Money, Budgeting, The Cost of Money, Banking, Credit, Insurance, Investing, Retirement Planning, and Financial Planning and Management.
The W!se Financial Literacy Program is recognized by many states’ departments of education including Arkansas and has earned Wise numerous awards, including the U.S. Treasury Department’s John H. Sherman Award for Excellence in Financial Education.
The hallmark program feature is the W!se Certified Financially Literate™ (CFL™) credential awarded to students who pass the Test. The credential demonstrates to colleges and employers that students have the knowledge and skills to be financially savvy.
To become a Certified W!SE Instructor, you must pass a Certification Test for personal finance instructors to earn a Certification in Personal Finance.
This year 62 10th grade students passed the Certification Exam in the Fall and Spring Combined.