Have you ever wanted to learn about archeological science? If you’re in high school and can get to UA Cossatot from Monday, June 17 to Friday, June 22, you’re in luck! You can spend the week with archeologists learning about what they do! Lunch is provided! Registration is due May 29 so hurry and email Mel at mzabeck@uark.edu for more details! And listen for our interview with Melissa Zabecki of the Arkansas Archeological Society on the Thursday Ed-ition of the Morning Show with Loren tomorrow at 8:30.
Archeological Science Program, Summer 2019, DeQueen, AR Statement of Educational Goals of the Project We hope to recruit up to 15 local high school students to participate in an Archeological Science Program in conjunction with the Arkansas Archeological Society/Survey Training Program from June 17 to June 21, 2019 in DeQueen, Arkansas. The goals for this project would be to teach the students laboratory methods and get them excited about the different sciences that contribute to archeology, which actually gives us the story of the past, rather than the process of excavation, which merely produces the objects from which the data and stories come. Learning objectives include the following: During this program, students will: 1) recognize that there is more to archeology than excavation. 2) identify different sciences that figure into archeological analysis (anthropology, sociology, biology, chemistry, dendrochronology, paleoethnobotany, etc.) 3) demonstrate ways we learn about the past (experimental archeology) 4) gain an appreciation for the rich, yet everyday history of the original inhabitants of the region of what is now southwest Arkansas. Target Audience Students from De Queen High School, Cossatot River Consolidated Schools, Nashville High School, Ashdown High School, Mena High School, and any other student within driving distance of UA Cossatot are eligible. Students and guardians must fill out the last two pages of this document and return them to Mel Zabecki by June 1 to be accepted to the program. Detailed Explanation of Project Plan On Monday, June 17 through Friday, June 21, 2019, students will report at 8am to our Headquarters at UA Cossatot (building to be determined) and will leave for the day at 3pm. Students will be provided lunch but in the case of extreme dietary needs, students are encouraged to bring their own lunch. In addition to many hands-on demonstrations, the students will create a mini-project to complete over two days in the archeological lab towards the end of the week.
Below is a draft schedule, specific details are subject to change. Monday, June 17, Day 1 -Pre-assessment quiz to see what the students know about archeology at the start. -Lesson on introduction to archeology, what archeologists do, where they work, and what is included in archeological investigation from the field to the lab. -Introduction to the concepts of culture, context, chronology, and seriation. Hands-on and teamwork activities will enforce these concepts. Tuesday, June 18, Day 2 -Exploration of different sciences with introductions to osteology using faunal remains, tempering techniques in pottery to demonstrate chemistry studies, tree-ring date practice for dendrochronology, and seed identification with discussion of paleoethnobotany. Wednesday, June 19, Day 3 -Field trip out to site(s) where field work is occurring (weather permitting) Thursday, June 20, Day 4 -First lab day, students will spend the day learning about lab methods (from cleaning all the way through to curation) and cleaning any artifacts learning to sort and analyze potsherds for thickness and reconstruction, temper, and decoration. Friday, June 21, Day 5 -Second lab day, students will either sort what they washed on day 4 or continue analyzing potsherds. -Completion of mini-project. -Post-assessment quiz. Funding Funding has been secured through a Bill Jordan Public Education Grant from the Arkansas Archeological Society. Students’ 1-year Society membership, program registration, and lunch and snacks will all be covered for up to 15 students.
For additional information or questions, please contact Mel Zabecki mzabeck@uark.edu, 479-236-3938
Arkansas Archeological Survey/Society Summer Training Dig
2019 Archeological Science Program
Please send this information and the NOTARIZED sponsorship agreement form (attached) appointing Melissa Zabecki as the adult sponsor to:
Dr. Mel Zabecki
Arkansas Archeological Survey
2475 North Hatch Ave.
Fayetteville, AR 72704
Tshirt size:
Emergency contact person and phone number:
Any food allergies/pertinent medical info: