Ashdown High School Alumni Association Banquet on Saturday, September 14

The thirteenth annual Ashdown High School Alumni Association Banquet will be on Saturday, September 14 and held in the Ashdown High School cafeteria.

The 1965 AHS Co-Valedictorian Dr. Tom Fomby will the honored guest. After graduating from AHS, Dr. Fomby received his B.A. in Mathematics from Hendrix College and his MA and Ph.D. from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He is currently Professor of Economics at Southern Methodist University and has been since 1975.

At Ashdown High School, he was involved in the National Honor Society, an Arkansas High School All-Star basketball player, First Chair Trumpet in the All-State Band, and one of 25 Arkansas and Texas students selected for a National Science Foundation sponsored workshop on Mathematics at Southern State College during the summer of 1964.

While at Hendrix College he played varsity basketball and was a member of Blue Key Honor Society.

He is a Senior Co-editor of Advances in Econometrics. Advances in Econometrics is a research annual specializing in recent developments in econometric techniques as applied to problems in economics, finance, marketing, and forecasting. His area of specialization is in the application of statistical methods to economic and business problems. Of particular interest to Professor Fomby is the new field in Economics called Predictive Analytics which involves using statistical techniques to uncover business and economic insights as mined from the masses of data that business and governments are collecting digitally. He has won numerous research, teaching, and service awards at SMU. In addition, he holds Outstanding Alumni Awards at Hendrix College and the University of Missouri-Columbia where he received his Ph.D. in Economics in 1975. His research affiliations include the Research Department of the Federal Bank of Dallas and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He has consulted with the World Bank and the U.S. Treasury Department in Washington, DC, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and various corporations including Mary Kay, Inc., Texas Instruments, KPMG, Zale Corporation, and Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company.

Alumni dinner tickets will be on sale from August 1 - September 1. For more information about the dinner call 903-277-9359. For ticket information call 903-826-7918.