Local Art Show Takes Place at UA Cossatot

UA Cossatot’s Ashdown Campus was the setting for the 18th Annual Little River Arts Council Mid-Summer Art Show. Over 200 pieces of art were displayed in the Barbara Horn Civic Center at the campus for the public to observe and admire. The art show lasted for three days beginning on Thursday, July 18, and concluded on Saturday, July 20. Citizens and visitors of Little River County could view the art from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Thursday and Friday and 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Saturday.

The Little River Arts Council organizes this annual event every summer for the community to enjoy and to make people aware of the artistic beauty that is in Little River County. The art show is also open for artists from different areas who wish to display their work.

Ashdown resident, Carolyn Myers said, “This art show, in my opinion, is one of the nicest shows we have in Little River County. Many people work hard all year to present this show, and the college is wonderful to let us host the event every year at their campus.”

The Mid-Summer Art Show took place for three days, but the Little River Art’s Council and the college made preparations at the beginning of the week. On Monday the artists registered, on Tuesday the artists hung and presented their work, and on Wednesday their work was judged. At the art show on Saturday, a reception was held at 2:30 PM and an awards ceremony took place at 3:00 PM. Monetary prizes were also given to the winners.

Little River Arts Council Member, Sue Taaffe of Foreman, said, “This year’s art show went great! We really appreciate the college, letting us use their facilities. We also appreciate the Director of UA Cossatot’s

Ashdown Campus, Barry Reed for helping us make preparations. He was very accommodating. UA Cossatot Campus Police Officer, Jason Curtis was also extremely helpful in helping us make sure the three-day event ran smoothly!”

Along with the art show, the Little River Arts Council also organizes a yearly art camp for youth held at the First United Methodist Church in Ashdown. They also take part in the Whistlestop Festival every year in Little River County to promote the love of art to youth and adults.

The 19th Annual Little River Arts Council Mid-Summer Art Show will take place at UA Cossatot again in 2020. For anyone interested in displaying their art, brochures, and advertisements will be released with details at the beginning of next summer.

The Little River Arts Council would like to announce that they are looking for volunteers to help with next year’s art show at the college. When the advertisements are released next year, contact information will be listed for those who wish to sign up as a volunteer