Four Howard County 4-H members competed last week at the Arkansas 4-H O’Rama held on the U of A Campus in Fayetteville. Abbie Lamb placed 4th in Food Fair and Alex Trombley placed 4th in Reel Into Sport Fishing.
Photo L-R: Jean Ince, Allie McConnell, Abbie Lamb, Nick Trombley, Alex Trombley, Samantha Kroll
Abbie Lamb and Nick Trombley were both recognized as State 4-H Record Book winners at the Arkansas 4-H Awards of Excellence Banquet. Both will receive a trip to National 4-H Congress in Atlanta this Fall. This is one of the highest honors 4-H members can achieve. Codie Jamison was recognized as a scholarship winner for an Oaklawn Jockey Scholarship.
Photo L-R: Allie McConnell, Abbie Lamb, Nick Trombley, and Alex Trombley
Other 4-H members attending State O’Rama included Allie McConnell and Alex Trombley. County Extension Agents Samantha Kroll and Jean Ince also attended the four day activity.