Sevier County 1% Hospital Sales Tax Public Meetings


Have questions about the proposed hospital tax?

Sevier County residents will be asked to vote on the 1% Hospital Sales Tax in the special election to be held October 8, 2019. This is an important decision for Chamber members to consider. There are several opportunities to get this information and have questions answered at scheduled public meetings:

All are open to the public and begin at 6 p.m.
Sept 9, Monday, De Queen School Cafeteria
Sept 10, Tuesday, Horatio Elementary School Cafeteria
Sept 16, Monday, In Spanish, De Queen School Cafeteria
Sept 17, Tuesday, De Queen Mena Coop Conference Room, Gillham
Sept 30, Monday, Lockesburg Senior Citizens Center

Fact Sheets with a ballot example are available at your Chamber of Commerce office, and can also be emailed. Call 870-584-3225 or come by 215 W. Stilwell (downtown De Queen).