Efforts Underway To Help Arkansas Hospitals, Public Schools Amid Rising COVID Cases

With hospitalizations continuing to set new daily records, Gov. Asa Hutchinson on Tuesday discussed changes to the state’s trauma system to coordinate COVID-19 care, and efforts to expedite bringing teachers into the state’s beleaguered public schools.

The recent spikes in new known COVID-19 cases has put pressure on Arkansas hospitals. Between Nov. 2 and Nov. 30, total cases rose by 38.5%, deaths rose by 26%, known active cases were up 56%, hospitalizations rose by 54.5%, and ventilator use rose by 69%. Hospitalizations reached another daily record Tuesday of 1,074, up 11 from Monday, according to the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH). And of the 1,147 ICU beds statewide, only 72 were available, according to the ADH.


Efforts Underway To Help Arkansas Hospitals, Public Schools Amid Rising COVID Cases

With hospitalizations continuing to set new daily records, Gov. Asa Hutchinson on Tuesday discussed changes to the state's trauma system to coordinate COVID-19 care, and efforts to expedite bringing teachers into the state's beleaguered public schools. The recent spikes in new known COVID-19 cases has put pressure on Arkansas hospitals.