Governor Hutchinson Delivers State of the State Address to the 92nd General Assembly

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“We will do all that is necessary to protect life and to come out of this pandemic with our face looking into the bright days of our future.”

LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson today delivered his State of the State address to the 92nd General Assembly ahead of the fiscal session. In order to allow room for sufficient social distancing, the Governor delivered the State of the State address from the Senate Chamber in the State Capitol. Members of the House watched the address virtually from their assembly at the Jack Stephens Center. 

In his speech, the Governor addressed the importance of state resources to assist the people of Arkansas in the wake of the COVID-19 public health emergency. The Governor also reaffirmed his belief in the historical resilience of Arkansans and committed to stand in the gap for Arkansans who have great need in this difficult time. 

“We have learned through this public health emergency about how fragile life can be, but we have also seen courage and compassion of Arkansans in action,” Governor Hutchinson said. “Our nurses, doctors, respiratory therapists, and EMTs are on the front lines, risking their lives every day. … We see neighbors checking on neighbors, making grocery runs for those who can’t leave their house. Truckers are driving long hours to ensure the supply chain isn’t broken. Others are providing meals on the road so cross-country drivers can have an option to eat. Cafeteria workers are making sandwiches for the kids who count on school meals, and bus drivers are taking the meals to them.

“We may make mistakes, but make no mistake – our eyes are fixed on our next opportunity, our next challenge, and our next future victories. We will do what Americans and Arkansans have always done. We will be strong, and we will prevail.”