From the Office of the Chancellor

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We are now several months in to the COVID-19 outbreak and UA Cossatot has been working diligently to ensure the safety of our students, staff, and community. Now that we know our summer courses will be offered online, our attention has already shifted to how we will approach the Fall 2020 semester.

While we will keep relying on guidance from the Governor’s office, our state health care professionals and the University of Arkansas System, we will also be developing a local plan so our campuses can safely be open for students this fall.

To aid in our Fall 2020 decisions, I have appointed the UA Cossatot COVID-19 Task Force. This is a task force that is comprised of committees that will oversee developing our campus strategy for a safe Fall 2020 semester. The task force is comprised of the following committees: Contingency Planning, Academics and Student Assistance, Communicable Diseases, Communications, Events, Facilities/Partners/Contractors/Logistics, Finances, Health and Safety/Environmental Safety, Human Resources, Outreach/Alumni, Athletics, Information Technology.

These committees have already started working on contingency plans in all of these areas. They will be taking into account several different scenarios that UA Cossatot could face this fall. The scenarios range from the most likely to the most unlikely and will include how UA Cossatot will respond to each.

We feel that this contingency plan, along with continued input and guidance from the Governor’s office, health care professionals around the state and the University of Arkansas System will allow UA Cossatot to be fully prepared to have a safe and productive fall semester for our students, staff, and the community members we serve each day.

While we do not know what the future holds in regards to the COVID-19 outbreak, we do know we need to be prepared and we feel that the COVID-19 Task Force will create the blueprint that will allow this to happen.

We are seeing many students already enrolling for summer and fall and our registration is certainly still open for both semesters. We have made our entire registration process available online for the safety and convenience of our students. We are also working on virtual tours of our campuses. Our website contains all the information students need to register:

These are unprecedented and unexplored times but we will all make it through by working together. You can always find more UA Cossatot information on Facebook (ED88 and UAC) and on our and websites.

Thank You,

Dr. Steve Cole
Chancellor, UA Cossatot

Cossatot Community College

UA Cossatot embraces diversity and is committed to improving the lives of those in our region by providing quality education, outstanding service, and relevant industry training. The University of Arkansas - Cossatot Community College offers degrees and certificates in more than two dozen fields.