De Queen School Board Met Monday, July 13th

The De Queen School District School Board met in regular session Monday, July 13th, 2020 in the high school cafeteria. During the Superintendent’s report, the board listened to Superintendent Jason Sanders and High School Principal Bryan Blackwood as they explained the proposed procedures and logistics for the Class of 2020 Commencement Ceremony scheduled to be held on Friday, July 31st. Mr. Sanders also described to the board how the district is preparing for the 2020-2021 school year under the "Ready for Learning" guidance from the Arkansas Department of Education. Details of the two topics discussed are below:

Class of 2020 Graduation

The board approved the district to go forward with the proposed plans to hold graduation for the Class of 2020 on Friday, July 31st at Leopard Coliseum. In order to provide a safe environment and to be in line with CDC/ADH guidelines, the graduation ceremony will be divided into three separate sessions. Mr. Blackwood explained that this would allow for enough space for the graduates to be socially distanced on the arena floor. Students will be allowed tickets for up to ten family members which will allow enough room for social distancing in the seating area. The sessions will be separated by enough time to allow the arena to be disinfected, sanitizer stations will be available, and masks will be required for everyone except for children under the age of ten.
Mr. Blackwood and his staff are currently reaching out to members of the Class of 2020 to confirm if they are attending in order to establish an accurate count. Once, the count is established, more information will be released on the times of each session and which session each student will attend.
The high school is also working on providing a live video stream of the event. The graduation plans will be presented this week for state approval. If you have any questions, you are encouraged to call the high school office at 870-642-2426.

Return to School/Ready for Learning Planning:

Mr. Sanders explained to the board that the administration has been busy studying the “Ready for Learning” guidelines and is currently creating plans to follow those guidelines. He explained this district has the challenge of finding a delicate balance of providing a safe environment while providing an effective education to the extent possible.
The “Ready for Learning” guidelines require districts to implement blended learning systems that deliver curriculum, instruction, and assessment both on and off-site through virtual methods. The district recently released a survey to district parents that asked questions regarding internet/cell phone service in their areas and their feelings toward the return to school this fall. More than 600 responded to the survey and the district is currently making plans to address some of the challenges and concerns discovered from the survey.
Mr. Sanders also explained to the board that teachers are the ones closest to the challenges that will come with the return to school and that the district is currently taking steps to hear their concerns and input. Teachers and staff are encouraged to contact their building principal with any questions or concerns they may have as soon as possible. Principals and the administration will meet with teacher representatives on Wednesday, July 13th to hear those concerns and go through a detailed building by building plan for the return to school and ensure that all buildings follow CDC/ADH guidelines to the fullest extent possible.