UA Cossatot Begins Phase 3 for Summer Reopening on July 20

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UA Cossatot will begin Phase 3 of its summer reopening plan on Monday, July 20. Phase 3 means that UA Cossatot will be getting closer to a normal workday for employees and students. Phase 3 has all 12-month employees coming back to campus after many were working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. All campuses will be open to students as well, providing in-person assistance for fall 2020 registration.

Things will be much different though, according to UA Cossatot Chancellor, Dr. Steve Cole “While we certainly don’t have a playbook for COVID-19, we know we have to try to get back to as close to normal as we can, and for us, that is getting everyone back on campus and serving students. Our staff has developed a comprehensive plan to reopen safely, meaning we will be following all CDC safety guidelines, including proper social distancing and the mandatory wearing of face masks. We understand this is hard for some, but we feel this is the best defense we have in keeping students and employees safe.”

UA Cossatot will use Phase 3 to prepare for the fall 2020 semester, which is slated to start on August 17. Vice Chancellor of Academics, Ashley Aylett says that UA Cossatot will have face-to-face classes, but they may not be the traditional classes some are used to, “Our faculty have taken the time to design face-to-face courses that provide for easy social distancing and limit the time students spend in the classroom. We feel we are prepared to bring students into a safe environment, but have everything in place to move completely online if our local health conditions deteriorate to the point where we have to shutter our college”.

UA Cossatot will have special entrances, and signs will be posted on all campuses reminding students and visitors that you must have a face mask on to be in campus buildings, and you must stay six feet away from others at all times.