Thursday COVID-19 Numbers and Maps

COVID-19 Metrics for Sevier County
Total Cumulative Cases: 1,186
Confirmed Cases: 1,184
Probable Cases: 2
Total Active Cases: 16
Active Confirmed Cases: 15
Active Probable Cases: 1
Total Recovered Cases: 1,154
Recovered  Confirmed Cases: 1,153
Recovered Probable Cases: 1
Total Deaths: 16
Confirmed Deaths: 16
Probable Deaths: 0

COVID-19 Metrics for Howard County
Total Cumulative Cases: 450
Confirmed Cases: 447
Probable Cases: 3
Total Active Cases: 13
Active Confirmed Cases: 12
Active Probable Cases: 1
Total Recovered Cases: 429
Recovered  Confirmed Cases: 427
Recovered Probable Cases: 2
Total Deaths: 8
Confirmed Deaths: 8
Probable Deaths: 0

COVID-19 Metrics for Little River County
Total Cumulative Cases: 332
Confirmed Cases: 322
Probable Cases: 10
Total Active Cases: 12
Active Confirmed Cases: 12
Active Probable Cases: 0
Total Recovered Cases: 297
Recovered  Confirmed Cases: 292
Recovered Probable Cases: 5
Total Deaths: 23
Confirmed Deaths: 18
Probable Deaths: 5

COVID-19 Metrics for Polk County
Total Cumulative Cases: 249
Confirmed Cases: 247
Probable Cases: 2
Total Active Cases: 11
Active Confirmed Cases: 10
Active Probable Cases: 1
Total Recovered Cases: 234
Recovered  Confirmed Cases: 233
Recovered Probable Cases: 1
Total Deaths: 4
Confirmed Deaths: 4
Probable Deaths: 0

COVID-19 Metrics for Pike County
Total Cumulative Cases: 215
Confirmed Cases: 213
Probable Cases: 2
Total Active Cases: 19
Active Confirmed Cases: 19
Active Probable Cases: 0
Total Recovered Cases: 193
Recovered  Confirmed Cases: 192
Recovered Probable Cases: 1
Total Deaths: 3
Confirmed Deaths: 2
Probable Deaths: 1


Governor Hutchinson Releases Statement on Today’s COVID-19 Numbers

LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson released the following statement on today's COVID-19 numbers:

“The increased use of antigen point-of-care testing is encouraging. This shows our investment in point-of-care testing is helping address the new demand for rapid tests on our K-12 and college campuses. Today’s report includes almost 10,000 tests between the PCR tests and the antigen tests. Of course, this means we identified new cases, and this will allow our more than 770 contact tracers to do their work and reduce the spread of the virus. Right now, we are concentrating on identifying communities that have an increased level of spread and encouraging stricter compliance with our health guidelines.”

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