Horatio High School Receives Several Academic Growth Awards

Horatio High School has been recognized by the Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the Office for Education Policy (OEP) for multiple academic growth awards from the 2020-2021 school year.

Horatio High School was named on DESE's 2021 Schools on the Move Toward Excellence report published in early November. This campaign celebrates schools that demonstrate outstanding improvement on recent state and federal accountability reports. HHS was named among the top 10 high schools in Arkansas for scoring two standard deviations or more above the mean on ACT Aspire Value Added Growth scores. DESE will highlight these schools throughout the year with social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Horatio High School was also recognized by the Office for Education Policy (OEP) at the University of Arkansas on two award lists. Both are based on 2021 content growth scores calculated by the Arkansas Department of Education at the student level reflecting how much a student improved his or her score from the prior year compared to what was predicted based on prior achievement history.

The Highlightling High-Growth Arkansas High Schools 2021 report published on November 17 recognized Horatio High School for the following awards:

Overall ACT Aspire Growth, 2021 (Math and ELA combined): Top 10 overall statewide and 1st in the Southwest Region

Overall Math ACT Aspire Growth, 2021: 5th overall statewide and 1st in the Southwest Region

The Beating the Odds report published on December 1 reflects high growth on the ACT Aspire even though the school serves a high percentage of students who participate in Free and Reduced Lunch. Horatio High School was recognized as a high school "Beating the Odds" for the following awards:

Overall ACT Aspire Growth, 2021 (Math and ELA combined): 5th overall statewide

ACT Aspire Math Growth, 2021 : 2nd overall statewide and 1st in the Southwest Region

ACT Aspire ELA Growth, 2021: 3rd in the Southwest Region

Horatio High School is honored to be named for these awards and proudly celebrates the hard work of students, teachers, administration, and the community in representing our Lion Pride!

Gayla Youngblood, Principal

Horatio High School