Legislative Update From State Representative Deann Vaught

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On Tuesday, the House passed the following:

HB1388-This bill states that in an adoption proceeding concerning a minor who is not in the custody of the Department of Human Services, a prospective adoptive parent may voluntarily enter into a written agreement with a birth parent concerning post-adoption exchange of information, communication, or other contact between the birth parent and the minor.

HB1728-This bill states the use of campaign funds to pay a candidate's childcare expenses shall not be considered a taking of campaign funds as personal income if the campaign funds are used to pay for childcare for time the candidate is engaging in campaign activity and the childcare expenses would not exist in the absence of the campaign.

SB160-This bill states that in the 2022-2023 school year, Holocaust education shall be taught in all public schools in a manner that generates an understanding of the causes, course, and effects of the Holocaust. The bill states the lesson must also develops dialogue with students on the ramifications of bullying, bigotry, stereotyping, and discrimination.

SB394-This bill states that a public school district or open-enrollment charter school shall conduct a comprehensive school safety audit every 3 years to assess the safety, security, accessibility, and emergency preparedness of district buildings and grounds in collaboration with local law enforcement, fire, and emergency management officials.

SB27-This bill requires the Arkansas Department of Health to ensure that the Suicide Prevention Hotline employs individuals who have experience working with veterans or are veterans.

SB524-This bill states that by August 1, 2022, each public school district and open-enrollment public charter school in the state shall prepare a three-year teacher and administrator recruitment and retention plan. The plan should include goals for recruitment and retention of teachers and administrators of minority races and ethnicities who increase diversity among the district staff and, at a minimum, reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the district's students.

HB1743-This bill amends the Digital Product and Motion Picture Industry Development Act of 2009 to allow production companies a choice of applying for either a rebate or tax credit with the Arkansas Economic Development Commission.

SB474-This bill creates the offenses of fertility treatment abuse and fertility treatment fraud.

The House will convene on Wednesday at 1 pm.