A Success Story From One of Our Former Students at UA Cossatot, Rose Tran

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to share this success story of one of former students, Rose Tran. She was possibly our first international student having been an exchange student in high school, and she gave me permission to share her story. She recently graduated medical school and is starting her residency in the next month.

Tabetha Nguyen

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“WOW! It’s finally the day!

12 years ago my parents sent me on a journey from Vietnam to America, not knowing what was going to come out of it. With lots of questions and lots of unknowns, I went. My graduation is a celebration only possible because of those who have been there for me. It is much more of a celebration of my parents who were so amazingly brave to send their 17-year-old daughter half way across the world. Because of them, I was given opportunities to explore and reach my potentials. It is a celebration of every single person who has touched my life and has taught me countless lessons of kindness, patience, and resilience. ❤️ Thank YOU!”