Little Rock School Board members are being asked to consider filing a lawsuit against the state regarding a ban on mask mandates. Superintendent Michael Poore made the request in a video released Friday. He said Act 1002, which took effect Wednesday, is unconstitutional. It prohibits state and local government entities, including schools, from enforcing mask mandates.
While Gov. Asa Hutchinson has called for a special session of the Arkansas General Assembly to consider modifying or lifting the ban, Poore said he isn't confident lawmakers will make the right decision.
“My hope is that the state legislature will take the appropriate action to repeal 1002 and allow school districts to formulate their own policy related to masks," Poore said. "I’m not confident that that will occur. This lawsuit allows us a place in order to take this situation to the judicial branch to act on 1002.”
Michael Poore, superintendent for the Little Rock School District, announced in a video released Friday he will ask board members to consider filing a lawsuit against the state for banning mask mandates.