UA Cossatot Face Covering Procedure 1000

UA Cossatot Face Covering Procedure 1000

The University of Arkansas Board of Trustees voted on August 11, 2021 and directed each campus, division and unit to implement face covering policies for students, faculty, staff and guests, regardless of vaccination status, in indoor public settings where physical distancing cannot be assured in accordance with CDC guidance regarding the COVID-19 Delta variant. UA Cossatot, in the interest of campus and community health, has developed the following face covering procedure.

Faculty, staff, students, and visitors are required to wear a face covering while in campus facilities. The following indoor exceptions apply:

· Employees working alone in their offices.

· Participating in activities in which a face covering cannot be worn, or would prohibit normal breathing functions (such as eating, drinking, playing sports).

· Individuals with a documented disability.

· Instructors in outdoor or shop-type areas.

This procedure will be in force until the prevailing local health conditions warrant its cancellation.