Poll: Arkansas Legislature Gets Mixed Reviews from Voters

by Talk Business & Politics staff (staff2@talkbusiness.net)

A new Talk Business & Politics-Hendrix College Poll of 916 likely Arkansas voters tested the job approval of the legislature as well as a proposed constitutional amendment that would give lawmakers the power to call themselves into special session, a duty reserved exclusively to the governor. In the survey, conducted Sept. 20-22, 2021, participants were asked:

Q. Do you approve or disapprove of the job the Arkansas legislature is doing?

9% Strongly Approve
37.5% Somewhat Approve (46.5% Approve)
19% Somewhat Disapprove
28% Strongly Disapprove (47% Disapprove)
6.5% Don’t Know

Q. Earlier this year, the state legislature placed several constitutional amendments on the ballot for consideration by Arkansas voters in the November 2022 general election. One proposal would give the legislature the authority to convene a special legislative session by issuing a proclamation of House and Senate leadership or by 2/3rds of the members of both the House and Senate. If the election were held today, would you plan to vote for or against this constitutional amendment?

8% Definitely For
32% Probably For (40% For)
24% Probably Against
14% Definitely Against (38% Against)
22% Don’t Know
