Rutledge Leads Multistate Coalition Supporting Alabama's Law Protecting Children From Dangerous Experimental Puberty Blockers

Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge led a 15-state brief in support of Alabama’s recently passed law protecting children from experimental puberty blocker and cross sex hormones. Rutledge filed the coalition’s brief in Alabama federal district court in the lawsuit against the Alabama Vulnerable Child Protection Act.

“I will always defend laws that protect our precious children who are too young to understand the permanent, life-altering consequences of gender transition procedures,” said Attorney General Rutledge. “Like Arkansas’s evidence-based law that I am wholeheartedly and aggressively defending, Alabama’s regulation is about protecting your children. I will not sit idly by while radical groups like the ACLU use our children for their own social agenda.”

Along with Attorney General Rutledge, the letter was signed by attorneys general of Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.