Gov.-elect Sanders names Jacob Oliva of Florida to education post

by Roby Brock (

Gov.-elect Sarah Sanders announced Thursday (Dec. 29) she would nominate Jacob Oliva of Florida as Arkansas’ next Secretary of Education. He will replace Johnny Key, the current education secretary.

Oliva is the senior chancellor for the Florida Department of Education and was a former teacher, principal, and superintendent in Flagler County, Fla., where he was hailed as a progressive and innovate educator and helped improve the district’s student achievement rankings.

“Education is the foundation for success, and, with my nominee for Secretary of Education and Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, Jacob Oliva, we are ready to transform Arkansas education with bold reforms that will empower every kid to succeed,” Sanders said. “Jacob’s proven success increasing student achievement and his experience serving in many educational roles will make him an asset to my administration. Through my Arkansas LEARNS plan, we will expand access to quality education for every kid growing up in our state, empower parents, not government bureaucrats, and prepare students for the workforce, not government dependency, so everyone has a shot at a better life right here in Arkansas.”

Gov.-elect Sarah Sanders announces her Education Secretary pick, Jacob Oliva.