U.S. Marshals Museum begins to hire workers ahead of summer opening

by Tina Alvey Dale (tdale@talkbusiness.net)

With a summer opening still on the horizon and an estimated $3 million needed for construction and operational needs, the Fort Smith-based U.S. Marshals Museum is starting the drive to hire employees who will be needed once the doors open to the public.

Museum staff posted a job announcement for a facility sales manager on social media and employment sites like Linkedin on Thursday (Jan. 26). Museum President and CEO Ben Johnson said more employment announcements will be posted in the coming days and weeks as museum administration seeks to fill positions before the museum opens in the summer. The museum employs eight, Johnson said. That number is expected to grow to 20 or more when it is time to open the doors.

“It depends on the interest and applicants we get. It depends on whether we have enough full-time or whether we will need to fill with part-time (employees),” Johnson said.
