Rural Arkansas 'crypto mines' prompt noise complaints from residents

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

Last month, Gladys Anderson, who lives in the Bono community in Greenbrier, started hearing a loud, unbearable sound.

A constant high-pitched hum, ranging from 60 to 70 decibels, is coming from a cryptocurrency mine built less than a half-mile away from her house.

Crypto mines are large collections of computers built to harvest cryptocurrency, a completely digital form of money not reliant on any central authority. The computers in Greenbrier are surrounded by a tall, opaque orange fence and signs that say “no trespassing.”

Josie Lenora/KUAR News

A black gate marks the entrance to a cryptocurrency mine in the Bono community of Greenbrier. A nearby resident complains the mine emits a constant, unbearably loud noise.