By Tracy Courage
U of A System Division of Agriculture
HOPE, Ark. — Specialists with the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture will discuss topics geared toward small-acreage watermelon producers at a growers meeting from 5-8 p.m. Feb. 20 at the Hempstead County Extension Office, 1800 E. Third St. in Hope.
WATERMELONS — The Hempstead County Extension Office in Hope, Arkansas, will host a Watermelon Growers meeting on Feb. 20. (Division of Agriculture graphic)
“This meeting will benefit current producers as well as those interested in getting started with watermelons,” said Kim Rowe, Hempstead County extension agricultural agent.
Topics and speakers include:
Planting and Production — Amanda McWhirt, extension commercial horticulture specialist
Disease and Insect Management — Aaron Cato, extension horticulture integrated pest management specialist
Weed Control — Hannah Wright Smith, extension horticulture weed specialist
Nuisance Wildlife Control —Becky McPeake, extension wildlife specialist
Arkansas ranks 14th nationally for production of watermelons with 1,822 acres of watermelons harvested annually, according to the most recent Census of Agriculture. The melons can be grown in all parts of Arkansas, but the City of Hope in Hempstead County claims to be home of the world’s largest watermelons and celebrates the summertime treat annually with the Hope Watermelon Festival.
Attendees will have opportunities for a question-and-answer with specialists and networking with other producers. There is no cost to attend, but pre-registration is required.
To register, call the Hempstead County Extension office at (870) 777-5771 or email Kim Rowe at
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