Womack votes to strengthen national security, defend democracy abroad

Washington, DC—April 20, 2024…Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) released the following statement after voting for the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024; the Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024; the Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024; and the 21st Century Peace through Strength Act—all of which passed the U.S. House of Representatives today.

Congressman Womack said, “The security of America is a constitutional imperative. America is safer when our allies and partners are safe. Providing these nations with necessary and timely resources to defend against aggression is essential to American security. This is not the time to demonstrate weakness. The packages we approved today will not only help America, but a significant amount of these resources will be spent right here in Arkansas, where a number of the munitions and weapons are made. I am grateful to Speaker Mike Johnson for his courage and leadership in bringing these measures to a vote.”

Before the vote, Congressman Womack spoke on the House floor urging his colleagues to vote YES on the foreign aid legislation. Click HERE to watch his remarks.

Bill breakdowns

The Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024: The bill totals $26.38 billion to support Israel in its effort to defend itself against Iran and its proxies, and to reimburse U.S. military operations in response to recent attacks.

  • $4 billion to replenish Iron Dome and David’s Sling missile defense systems.

  • $1.2 billion for the Iron Beam defense system to counter short-range rockets and mortar threats.

  • $3.5 billion for the procurement of advanced weapons systems, defense articles, and defense services through the Foreign Military Financing Program.

  • $1 billion to enhance the production and development of artillery and critical munitions.

  • $4.4 billion to replenish defense articles and defense services provided to Israel.

  • $2.4 billion for current U.S. military operations in the region in response to recent attacks. 

  • Provides additional flexibility for transfers of defense articles to Israel from U.S. stockpiles held abroad.

  • Prohibits funds to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

The Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024: The bill totals $60.84 billion to address the conflict in Ukraine and assist our regional partners as they counter Russia, $23.2 billion of which will be used for replenishment of U.S. weapons, stocks, and facilities. 

  • $23.2 billion to replenish defense articles and defense services provided to Ukraine. 

  • $11.3 billion for current U.S. military operations in the region.

  • $13.8 billion for the procurement of advanced weapons systems, defense articles, and defense services.

  • $26 million to continue oversight and accountability of aid and equipment provided to Ukraine.

  • Bolsters oversight through in-person monitoring requirements.

  • Requires partners and allies to pay their fair share through cost-matching requirements.

  • Mandates agreement on repayment for economic support by the government of Ukraine. 

  • Increases the fiscal limits on several Presidential drawdown authorities.  

The Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024: The bill totals $8.12 billion to continue efforts to counter communist China and ensure a strong deterrence in the region. 

  • $3.3 billion to develop submarine infrastructure, including investments in dry dock construction. 

  • $2 billion in Foreign Military Financing Program for Taiwan and other key allies and security partners in the Indo-Pacific confronting Chinese aggression.

  • $1.9 billion to replenish defense articles and defense services provided to Taiwan and regional partners. 

  • $542 million to strengthen U.S. military capabilities in the region.

  • $133 million to enhance the production and development of artillery and critical munitions.

  • Provides additional flexibility for Foreign Military Financing loans and loan guarantees.

The 21st Century Peace Through Strength Act:

  • Imposes sanctions on Iranian infrastructure and high-ranking officials to weaken Iran’s energy exports, weapons development, and technology transfers.

  • Places additional sanctions on China and Russian oligarchs.

  • Forces the sale of TikTok unless divested from China and protects Americans’ data from China.

  • Authorizes the REPO Act to seize roughly $5 billion of Russian sovereign assets under US jurisdiction and repurposes those funds to Ukraine.

  • Includes the FEND OFF Fentanyl Act, to implement sanctions on drug cartels and criminal organizations to hamper fentanyl distribution in the United States and crack down on money laundering associated with fentanyl trafficking.