Cotton, Banks: Biden Administration rule discriminates against faith-based foster organizations

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today introduced a resolution to remove a Health and Human Services (HHS) Department rule that would make it harder for faith-based organizations and families to provide homes for foster children. HHS finalized its rule in April.

Congressman Jim Banks (Indiana-03) introduced the resolution in the House.

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“Faith-based groups lead the effort in Arkansas to provide safe foster homes. The Biden administration’s rule will only hurt children that need a home and the religious organizations that provide this incredibly important work,” said Senator Cotton.

“Despite a nationwide shortage of foster families, the Biden administration’s rule discards well-established, faith-based care providers as second-class placement services, forcing states to invest time and resources into recruiting so-called gender-affirming providers. This is an attack on religious liberty and common sense, and worst of all, it is the children in need of a safe and loving home who will suffer most from this administration’s radical agenda,” said Congressman Banks.

Text of the resolution may be found here.