Inspired by the Past, Larry and Jan Alman Invest in UAMS’ Future

By Andrew Vogler

Sept. 6, 2024 | Larry and Jan Alman have abundant affection and concern for the people who make up their community. These feelings are expressed not only in the conviction of their words but also through their commitment to community service and philanthropic investment for the common good.

The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) is grateful to be included in the Almans’ community — a long list of relationships that have been cultivated for many years, several of which were hatched many decades ago by the Almans’ respective families.

The story of the Alman family in Little Rock begins with Larry Alman’s grandfather, Charles Alman who immigrated from Poland in 1905 — Ellis Island was the entry point and Little Rock was the destination. He soon found his niche in the “junk business,” a forerunner to today’s scrap metal and recycling industry.

Inspired by the Past, Larry and Jan Alman Invest in UAMS’ Future