Bills signed into law March 12th by Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — On Wednesday, March 12, 2025, the Governor signed into law: 

HB1400 – An act to amend the law concerning the redemption of a tax-delinquent parcel; to exempt disabled veterans from certain penalties when redeeming a tax-delinquent parcel; and for other purposes. 

HB1556 – An act to amend Arkansas music appreciation day; to change the date on which Arkansas music appreciation day is celebrated; and for other purposes. 

SB236 – An act to amend the insurance holding company regulatory act; and for other purposes. 

HB1466 – An act to amend the fair mortgage lending act; and for other purposes. 

HB1184 – An act to amend the fair mortgage lending act; to protect a consumer’s privacy in certain mortgage applications; and for other purposes.

SB292 – An act to amend the law concerning the date of annual school election; to move the annual school election if the annual school election is scheduled on a state holiday in certain instances; and for other purposes. 

HCR1007 – To encourage the United States Congress to reevaluate the Medicare physician fee schedule locality structure and ensure accurate geographic practice cost indices for the metropolitan statistical areas of this state. 

HB1182 – An act to replace the defined term “medication assistive person” with the defined term “certified medication assistant” throughout § 17-87-701 ET SEQ.; to set forth the certification requirements, qualifications, and the scope of practice for a certified medication assistant; and for other purposes.

HB1213 – An act to amend the Arkansas athletic trainers act; to clarify the definition of “athlete” within the Arkansas athletic trainers act; to define “healthcare provider” regarding student athlete concussion education; and for other purposes. 

HB1217 – An act to establish the interstate massage compact in Arkansas; and for other purposes. 

HB1309 – An act to amend the law concerning coverage of examinations for breast cancer; to clarify the cost-sharing requirements for examinations for breast cancer; and for other purposes. 

SB119 – An act to establish the interstate medical licensure compact; and for other purposes.

HB1369 – An act concerning the establishment of the maximum campaign contribution limit by the Arkansas ethics commission; amending portions of law resulting from initiated act 1 of 1990 and initiated act 1 of 1996; declaring an emergency; and for other purposes.

HB1452 – An act clarifying the law on the use of medical marijuana in certain places; to prohibit the possession of an unsealed container of certain forms of medical marijuana in a motor vehicle; and for other purposes.

SB188 – An act to amend Arkansas law concerning initiative petitions and referendum petitions; to require public posting of statewide initiative petitions and referendum petitions; and for other purposes. 

SB209 – An act to amend the law concerning initiative petitions and referendum petitions; to disqualify signatures obtained by a canvasser under certain circumstances; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes. 

SB210 – An act to create the require examining of authoritative documents act; to amend the law concerning initiative and referendum petitions; to require the signer to read the ballot title of the petition in the presence of a canvasser; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes. 

SB244 – An act concerning postponement of judgement in district court; to permit a suspended imposition of sentence in certain district court cases; and for other purposes.

SB251 – An act to amend the law concerning the Arkansas Trails Council; to amend the law concerning the executive secretary of the Arkansas Trails Council; to amend the law concerning the participation of the Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism on the Arkansas Trails Council; and for other purposes. 

SB260 – An act to amend the law concerning the collection of court fines, fees, or costs after default; and for other purposes. 

SB272 -An act to amend the law concerning voter registration; to prohibit pre-filled fields on a voter registration form in certain instances; to amend provisions of Arkansas constitution, amendment 51, § 6; and for other purposes. 

SB291 – An act to amend the law concerning complaints of election law violations; to amend the deadlines for complaints of election law violations; and for other purposes. 

SB294 – An act to amend the law concerning election audits; to allow the state board of election commissioners to audit a county in the preceding election in certain circumstances; and for other purposes. 

SB295 – An act to amend the law concerning appropriation for election expenses; to allow compensation for a certified election monitor as an election expense; and for other purposes. 

SB296 – An act to amend the law concerning the designation of an early voting location by the county clerk; and for other purposes. 

SB297 – An act to amend the law concerning municipalities choosing to elect council members; to require the governing body of the municipality to file the ordinance describing the election of city council members with the county clerk; and for other purposes. 

SB308 – An act to amend the law concerning a write-in candidate; to remove references to a write-in candidate; and for other purposes.

HB1279 – An act to amend the Arkansas Egg Marketing Act of 1969; to authorize repackaging of eggs by a retailer if certain criteria is met; and for other purposes.

HB1325 – An act to amend the provisions regarding credited service under the Arkansas Public Employees’ Retirement System; to allow a member of the Arkansas Public Employees’ Retirement System to receive service credit from service under an alternate retirement plan to meet eligibility requirements for a retirement benefit under certain circumstances; and for other purposes. 

HB1379 – An act to amend the law concerning the special authorization for reimbursement for meals and lodging while traveling on official business of the state; and for other purposes. 

HB1499 – An act to amend the sale and purchase procedure for public property; and for other purposes. 

HB1568 – An act to amend the law concerning examinations, investigations, and postmortem examination; to amend the law requiring a postmortem examination when a death is by apparent drug, alcohol, or poison toxicity; and for other purposes. 

SB224 – An act to repeal the law concerning natural organic fertilizers; and for other purposes. 

SB249 – An act to amend the law concerning violations and penalties related to forestry; to amend the powers of the Arkansas Forestry Commission; and for other purposes. 

SB250 – An act to amend the pest control law; to reassign certain duties of the state plant board; and for other purposes. 

SB259 – An act to transfer appointment authority for the director of the Arkansas Waterways Commission to the Governor; and for other purposes. 

SB265 – An act to reduce and modify the membership of the licensing committee relating to wastewater; to reduce and modify the membership of the licensing committee relating to solid waste; to amend the apprenticeship licenses in solid waste licensing; to amend participation requirements for environmental officers; and for other purposes. 

SB267 – An act to repeal the Arkansas alternative motor fuel development act; to repeal the alternative motor fuel development fund; and for other purposes. 

HB1146 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Office of Attorney General for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes. 

HB1175 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism – Division of Heritage for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.  

HB1493 – An act to make an appropriation to the institutions of higher education for capital improvement projects; and for other purposes. 

HB1544 – An act to make an appropriation for state turnback for counties and municipalities by the Office of the Treasurer of State which shall be supplemental and in addition to those funds appropriated by Act 140 of 2024; and for other purposes.