94th General Assembly

Lawmakers adjourn ‘sine die’ to end 94th General Assembly regular session

by Roby Brock (roby@talkbusiness.net)

State lawmakers officially ended the regular session of the 94th Arkansas General Assembly on Monday (May 1).

All told, the legislature passed 889 new laws this session. The hallmark legislation this year centered on education changes, sentencing reform, tax cuts, and a host of culturally divisive issues ranging from transgender rights to book access at public libraries.

The Arkansas State Senate adjourned sine die a little after noon while passing several honorary resolutions and approving a dozen gubernatorial appointments. There was no effort made to override any of the four vetoes Gov. Sanders issued during the legislature’s recess.


Rules package approved by Arkansas House of Representatives

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

The Arkansas House of Representatives passed a rules package on Thursday. Speaker Matthew Shepherd told reporters afterward, that the early days of the 94th General Assembly have been “fun and enjoyable.”

The 41-minute meeting consisted mostly of preliminary matters. The main item on the agenda was the passage of a rule bill drafted by House Speaker Mathew Shepherd, R-El Dorado. Shepherd said he worked closely with the parliamentarian in drafting the package, which contained a few small changes from the one used in the 93rd General Assembly.

Perhaps the most substantial change governs how bills are scheduled in committee. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, lawmakers were required to ask a chair to schedule their bills in committee. Now, the legislature is reverting to the original system where proposed bills are put straight on a committee’s agenda without the chair first having to schedule it.


Josie Lenora/KUAR News

House Speaker Matthew Shepherd, R-El Dorado, talks about the recently passed rule package with reporters Thursday.