Lawmakers approve of the state's decision to invest ARPA funding to mental health

KUAR | By Ronak Patel

In an interview with KARK Channel 4’s Capitol View, State Rep. DeAnn Vaught, R-Horatio, and State Sen. Reginald Murdock, D- Marianna, both said they approved the state’s recent announcement to invest $30 million in mental health and substance abuse programs.

Murdock said this is an issue the state has been trying to address for the past four to five years and this investment was needed.

“There’s so many aspects of mental health that the country is becoming more aware of. So as we become more aware then I am glad to see the governor and the leadership come together to make sure that we start to fund this,” he said.

Lawmakers approve of the state's decision to invest ARPA funding to mental health

John Sykes/Arkansas Advocate

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced the state would be investing $30 million into mental health and substance abuse prevention.

Arkansas executive order further delays ARPA funds distribution

KUAR | By Antoinette Grajeda / Arkansas Advocate

An executive order from Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders prompted the withdrawal Wednesday of more than a dozen requests for federal pandemic relief funds that had been pending for months on a legislative panel’s agenda.

The order issued Tuesday by Sanders abolished the ARPA Steering Committee and the Governor’s Infrastructure Planning Advisory Committee. The steering committee’s job had been to review funding requests under the American Rescue Plan Act and sending approved projects to legislators for consideration.

The governor’s order caused confusion about what action, if any, could be taken on ARPA-related items by the Joint Budget Committee’s Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review subcommittee during its Wednesday meeting.

Arkansas Senate

Sen. Jonathan Dismang reviews documents during a January 2022 budget hearing. Dismang wanted to hold off on approving federal pandemic relief requests on Wednesday following an executive order that abolished the ARPA Steering Committee.

Arkansas receives second $786.6 million; now, where to spend?


Arkansas has a good problem to have: What should it do with $842 million in federal funds sitting in the bank? That amount – actually $841,965,067.52 – is what’s left of money coming from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA).

It provided $195 billion in Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The act also provided $130 billion for local governments.

Arkansas has received two tranches each of $786,560,790.40. The second arrived May 19. The first came in June 2021. So far, $55.4 million has not been allocated from the first tranche. The money was transferred to the Arkansas ARP Steering Committee Holding Fund. States have until the end of 2024 to obligate the money, and until the end of 2026 to actually spend it.