Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs

Gov.-elect Sanders selects Stubbs, Penn to top state military posts

by Talk Business & Politics staff (

Gov.-elect Sarah Sanders announced Wednesday (Jan. 4) her intention to nominate Brigadier General Jon Stubbs as Secretary of the Military and The Adjutant General of the Arkansas National Guard, and Major General Kendall Penn as the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Penn now holds the title of Secretary of the Military, while he will replace Nate Todd, the Veterans Affairs secretary.

“I will be appointing two high-caliber individuals with decades of military experience who will lead with honor and integrity – BG Jon Stubbs as The Adjutant General of the Arkansas National Guard and Major General Kendall Penn as the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs,” Sanders said. “BG Stubbs’ extensive Army National Guard experience makes him a clear choice to lead the Department of Military as The Adjutant General, ensuring our airmen and soldiers are standing at the ready to support the state of Arkansas and our nation. Major General Penn has done an excellent job leading our Department of Military, which is why I have asked him to continue to serve and take on the critical role of Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Together, we will ensure that the brave, selfless men and women who have served our country in uniform are always cared for and supported.”

AGFC Taps Veterans Affairs Chief of Staff to Lead Agency

Austin Booth New Director AGFC Courtesy AGFC

Austin Booth New Director AGFC
Courtesy AGFC

Randy Zellers Assistant Chief of Communications

LITTLE ROCK – Commissioners with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission unanimously voted at today’s regularly scheduled meeting to approve Austin Booth, a native of Scott, to become the agency’s 19th director in its 106-year history. He will replace Director Pat Fitts when he retires from the agency June 30.

Booth served as Captain in the United States Marine Corps in multiple capacities from 2011-2019, including a 2015-2016 deployment to Afghanistan. He comes to the AGFC after 18 months as Chief of Staff and Chief Financial Officer at the Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs, where he oversaw financial functions as well as internal operations of the department. He is a graduate of The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, and received his Juris Doctor from the University of South Carolina School of Law.

AGFC Chairman Andrew Parker said the decision to hire Booth was based on his proven track record in leadership and fiscal responsibility. “Booth has a keen understanding and vision for supporting the state’s leading conservation professionals and ensuring they have the means necessary to maintain Arkansas’s natural resources,” Parker explained.