Arkansas Libertarian Party

Libertarians nominate slate of candidates for legislative seats, Congress

by Talk Business & Politics staff (

The Libertarian Party of Arkansas nominated a slate of candidates at its annual convention this weekend for the 2024 election cycle.

The list of nominated candidates includes:
Steve Parsons, U.S. House District 1
Bobby Wilson, U.S. House District 3
Michael Pakko, Treasurer of State
R. “Asher” Williams, State Senate District 1
David Lutmer, State Senate District 3
Lonny Goodwin, State Senate District 4
Dakota Logan, State House District 06
Michael Kalagias, State House District 8
Eric I. McGee, State House District 32
Garrett Sheeks, State House District 61
Michael White, State House District 75
Mark Rossen, State House District 87
Tammy Goodwin, State House District 88

Libertarians nominate slate of candidates for legislative seats, Congress

State third party election law declared unconstitutional, appeal being mulled


A district judge has ruled that Arkansas’ 56 Libertarian Party candidates qualified for this year’s ballot, but the state could still appeal for future elections, and if it does, the incoming Senate president pro tempore expects it to win.

In an 83-page decision, U.S. District Judge Kristine Baker ruled Sept. 30 that an Arkansas law passed in 2019 violated the Libertarian Party of Arkansas’ 1st and 14th Amendment rights. The case was Libertarian Party of Arkansas v. John Thurston, who is secretary of state.

Act 164 of 2019 increased the required number of valid signatures “new” parties must collect from 10,000 to 3% of the total number of votes in the previous governor’s race. For this election cycle, the Libertarians would have had to submit 26,746 valid signatures, which is more than they did.