Arkansas Supreme Court Chief Justice

Arkansas Supreme Court justice accuses chief justice of spreading untruths

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

Arkansas Supreme Court Associate Justice Nicholas Bronni has accused Chief Justice Karen Baker of spreading untruths during a meeting of the House Judiciary Committee.

On Thursday, Baker made a customary appearance in front of the committee. She addressed recent tension at the Supreme Court between her and her colleagues. She told committee members that issues stemmed from newly appointed Justice Bronni recusing “from all our criminal cases.”

In a letter to Rep. Carol Dalby, the chairwoman of the committee, Bronni called this statement “not accurate.” This comes amid other dubious comments made during Baker’s Thursday's testimony, and ongoing tension over how Baker is legally allowed to conduct her duties on the court.

Arkansas Supreme Court justice accuses chief justice of spreading untruths

Arkansas Supreme Court Associate Justice Nicholas Bronni disputes claims made by Chief Justice Karen Baker at a legislative meeting.

Arkansas Supreme Court administrator asks chief justice to stay away, pending disciplinary review

KUAR | By Sonny Albarado / Arkansas Advocate

Arkansas Supreme Court Chief Justice Karen Baker has been asked by the state court system’s chief administrator to stay out of his office and not communicate with his staff, pending a disciplinary review.

In an email to Baker on Monday, Administrative Office of the Courts Director Marty Sullivan advised Baker that an investigation of her conduct in December by the office’s personnel department had been completed and a report forwarded to the state’s judicial discipline commission.

“Per the recommendation of the report, I believe it is more than reasonable that you do not enter AOC offices or engage in direct contact or communication with AOC staff until the Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission provides further instruction,” Sullivan’s email says.

Arkansas Supreme Court administrator asks chief justice to stay away, pending disciplinary review

Sonny Albarado/Arkansas Advocate

The Arkansas Justice Building on the state Capitol grounds in Little Rock on Jan. 14, 2025. The building houses the state Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals and the Administrative Office of the Courts.