Bathroom Bill

Arkansas House committee changes controversial public bathroom bill

KUAR | By Tess Vrbin / Arkansas Advocate

The Arkansas House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday approved an amended version of a bill that initially would have criminalized entering and remaining in bathrooms and locker rooms that do not match an adult’s gender assigned at birth if children are present.

Senate Bill 270 now limits potential misdemeanor charges and prosecutions to adults present “for the purpose of arousing or gratifying a sexual desire of himself or herself or any other person.”

The amendment and the bill both passed on unanimous voice votes after five cumulative hours of frequently emotional testimony from 40 witnesses against the bill. Almost half identified themselves as transgender, including three minors, and several more said they are the parents, spouses or loved ones of transgender Arkansans.

Tess Vrbin/Arkansas Advocate

Aaron Jennen (right), a father of a transgender teenager from Fayetteville, speaks against Senate Bill 270 before the House Judiciary Committee on March 28, 2023. Sen. John Payton (R-Wilburn, left) is the bill’s sponsor.

Arkansas lawmakers send school ‘bathroom bill’ to House for final approval

KUAR | By Daniel Breen

A bill restricting bathroom usage in public schools is one step closer to becoming law in Arkansas.

House Bill 1156 won approval from the Arkansas Senate Monday on a party-line vote. The bill would require students to use bathrooms and changing facilities aligning with the sex on their birth certificate, and prohibit students from sharing overnight sleeping accommodations with members of the opposite sex.

Speaking on the Senate floor, Sen. Clarke Tucker, D-Little Rock, said the bill’s discriminatory nature means it likely wouldn’t hold up in court.

Toby Talbot/AP

A sign marks the entrance to a gender-neutral restroom at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vt. in 2007.

Arkansas committee hears debate on "bathroom bill"

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

Lawmakers heard questions and comments from members of the public Thursday over a so-called “bathroom bill” currently making its way through the Arkansas Legislature.

House Bill 1156 would ensure no public or charter school student is required to share sleeping quarters, restrooms or changing areas with members of the opposite biological sex. That could lead to problems for transgender or nonbinary students seeking to use facilities consistent with their gender identity. School officials who do not follow the policy could face a 15% reduction in salary under the bill.

The bill was sponsored by Rep. Mary Bentley, R-Perryville. She was joined during the committee meeting by two members of the Conway School Board, Linda Hargis and David Naylor Jr.