Body Cam Footage

AG Griffin says ATF should release Malinowski body cam footage

by Roby Brock (

Attorney General Tim Griffin said the government footage from a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [ATF] raid on the home of Little Rock Airport Director Bryan Malinowski should be released immediately. Malinowski died in a shootout with authorities.

Appearing on Talk Business & Politics and Capitol View this Sunday (April 14), the state’s top law enforcement and legal officer said he has been troubled by the few facts that have come out so far on the high-profile raid that took place on March 19.

“As someone who couldn’t be a bigger law enforcement supporter, when our government acts in a particular way that raises questions, we have an obligation to say [something]… My understanding, having looked at the ATF rules is that they generally require a body cam when there’s a preplanned raid, right? Why? Well, because information from a camera helps fill the vacuum of conspiracy and all this other stuff. So record it with a body cam that’s required and then there’s policy that it shall be released as soon as possible,” Griffin said.