Chinese Sanction

Cotton Statement on 8th Circuit Ruling on Dismemberment Abortions

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Washington, D.C. - Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) released the following statement after the 8th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals vacated an injunction imposed by the district court preventing enforcement of Arkansas's law prohibiting "dismemberment abortions":

"After years of obstruction and delay, Arkansas is one step closer to protecting unborn babies from the barbaric method of dismemberment abortion. Today's ruling moves us toward a society that respects the dignity and worth of every human being."

Cotton Reacts to Chinese Sanctions

Washington, D.C. - Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today released the following statement after China announced sanctions against him:

"The Chinese Communist Party imposed these impotent sanctions against me because I defend the real victims of Chinese Communism: the millions of Americans harmed by the Wuhan coronavirus, the workers whose factories shut down and moved offshore to China, the businesses and inventors whose property has been stolen, the Chinese Christians and missionaries whose churches have been razed by bulldozers, the Uighurs and other minorities languishing in concentration camps, the Hong Kong students fighting desperately for their democracy, and the Chinese people trapped in a high-tech communist tyranny. Chinese Communism is the most dangerous threat to freedom in the world, and I will never back down from fighting it. If China thinks my opposition to its communist tyranny to date warrants these sanctions, I have two words for them: just wait."