Class Protection Bill

‘Class Protection’ Bill Passes House Judiciary committee After Chairwoman Quickly Adjourns Meeting

by Roby Brock (

An alternative hate crimes bill led by House Speaker Matthew Shepherd, R-El Dorado, and Senate President Jimmy Hickey, Jr., R-Texarkana, passed in House Judiciary committee Thursday (April 8) on a voice vote, but not without a closing controversy.

Committee chairwoman Rep. Carol Dalby, R-Texarkana, ruled the “aye” votes approved the measure and in the same sentence declared the meeting adjourned. The quick move did not allow for a roll call vote to be called to determine if 11 or more votes supported the bill.

SB 622, which is touted as a class protection bill, will create an “aggravating circumstance” provision that would require a criminal defendant to serve at least 80% of his or her sentence if certain motivations led to the crime.
