Critical Race Theory

Arkansas judge delivers mixed ruling in critical race theory ban case

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

A judge returned a mixed verdict Tuesday in a lawsuit challenging part of the Arkansas LEARNS Act.

U.S. District Judge Lee P. Rudofsky did partially grant a preliminary injunction over a law dictating how race can be taught in Arkansas schools. The injunction only applies to the two teachers who brought the suit.

Section 16 of the Arkansas LEARNS Act prohibits schools from teaching “indoctrination,” “critical race theory,” or any curriculum that encourages discrimination. Rudofsky did not think the law was worded in such a way as to prevent teachers from discussing certain topics including critical race theory, as long as they were not forcing beliefs on students.

Arkansas judge delivers mixed ruling in critical race theory ban case

U.S. District Judge Lee Rudofsky on Tuesday partially granted a preliminary injunction on a law dictating how race can be taught in Arkansas schools.

Judge hears arguments in suit challenging Arkansas critical race theory ban

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

Attorneys presented oral arguments Tuesday in a case over how race can be discussed in Arkansas schools.

A group of plaintiffs made up of students, parents and educators is suing to stop a law banning so-called “critical race theory" in Arkansas. They are being represented by the Laux Law Firm. The plaintiffs are asking for a preliminary injunction to stop the law immediately before a trial can be held to better examine the merits of the legislation.

The critical race theory ban is in Section 16 of the education law known as Arkansas LEARNS. The law defines critical race theory as material that “encourages” discrimination or any teaching that one race is better than another.

Judge hears arguments in suit challenging Arkansas critical race theory ban

Michael Hibblen/Little Rock Public Radio

Arguments were made for and against a preliminary injunction over Arkansas' ban on critical race theory in schools on Tuesday.

Group sues over Arkansas’ critical race theory ban

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

A group is suing to overturn a part of an Arkansas education law, claiming it violates the U.S. Constitution.

The Laux Law Group, a civil rights law firm in Little Rock, wants to repeal a part of the education law known as Arkansas LEARNS, passed by the legislature last year. Section 16 of the law bans so-called “indoctrination” and “critical race theory.”

The law says critical race theory “encourages students to discriminate against someone based on the individual's color, creed, race, ethnicity, sex, age, marital status, familial status.”

Group sues over Arkansas’ critical race theory ban

Josie Lenora/Little Rock Public Radio

Plaintiffs in the lawsuit against part of the Arkansas LEARNS Act gather at a press event Monday ahead of the lawsuit being filed.