Doc Washburn

GOP gubernatorial candidate Doc Washburn on Sarah Sanders: ‘I believe she’s a RINO’

by Roby Brock (

Talk show host Doc Washburn says his GOP rival for governor aligns too closely with “Republicans in Name Only” – RINOs – and that has caused him to question her conservative credentials and ability to lead Arkansas.

Washburn is the Republican opponent of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the frontrunner for the GOP nomination who has amassed a multi-million dollar war chest and support from former President Donald Trump to many local and statewide elected officials.

Washburn said as he speaks to audiences, he’s finding persuasive voters to his cause.

Conservative talk show host floats GOP gubernatorial challenge to Sarah Huckabee Sanders


Doc Washburn, a radio personality who until last year hosted a radio show on KARN 102.9, is floating his name as a candidate for the Republican nomination for governor.

On his podcast Feb. 9, Washburn said he would run for governor if he could raise the $15,000 required for the Republican Party’s filing fee by the filing deadline at noon March 1. He said he was a third of the way there after only a few days.