Elise Stefanik

Cotton, Stefanik introduce legislation to stop Pentagon from using Chinese-owned tutoring service

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today introduced legislation, the Ban Chinese Communist Party Access to U.S. Military Students Act, to prevent the Department of Defense (DoD) from using Tutor.com. The website provides educational services to DoD service members and their families. Tutor.com is owned by Primavera Capital Group, an investment firm with links to the Chinese Communist Party. 

The legislation follows a letter Senator Cotton sent to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, urging him to sever DoD’s contract with Tutor.com. Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (New York-21) is introducing companion legislation in the House. 

“There is no reason the Pentagon should be paying a Chinese-owned service that collects the data of our service members and their families. There are plenty of American companies that offer tutoring services and aren’t subject to the Chinese government,” said Senator Cotton. 

“I am proud to join Senator Cotton in introducing legislation prohibiting the DoD from utilizing Communist Chinese-owned company Tutor.com to educate our service members and their families. We cannot allow Communist China to collect an arsenal of data on our service members and their families that can be weaponized against them, posing a grave and unnecessary threat to America’s national security,” said Congresswoman Stefanik.