Employee Benefits Division

Arkansas lawmakers approve new health insurance rates for public employees

KUAR | By Ronak Patel

Arkansas lawmakers have approved new health insurance premium rates for state employees and public school employees. The Employee Benefits Division Oversight Subcommittee on Wednesday took action allowing lower rates to take effect, following last week’s approval by the State Board of Finance.

In the next calendar year, state employees will be expected to pay $172 a month, while public school employees will pay $221 a month, according to a spreadsheet provided by the Employee Benefits Division (EBD). There are different rates for employees who include their spouses or children on their plan.


Ronak Patel/KUAR News

Winston Simpson, a former public school employee, shared his concerns about the state's plan to improve health insurance coverage for state employees during a meeting on Wednesday.

Arkansas board approves changes to employee health insurance premiums

KUAR | By Ronak Patel

Changes to Arkansas’ health insurance plan for state employees and public school employees have been approved. The State Board of Finance on Monday unanimously voted in favor adopting new rates proposed by the Employee Benefits Division (EBD).

Director of the EBD Jake Bleed said one change is dropping a wellness program requirement. “Going forward, we will not have a difference in our rates for those who meet wellness requirements and those who do not, at least for the time being. Now like I said, we will have a wellness program in the future and I certainly look forward to bringing it to the Board of Finance,” Bleed said.

The board also approved changing the monthly payments made by members on the plan. In 2023, state employees will be expected to pay $172 a month, while public school employees will be expected to pay $221 a month, according to a spreadsheet provided by Bleed.


Ronak Patel/KUAR News

Jake Bleed, director of the Employee Benefits Division (center), explains to the State Board of Finance during a June meeting issues with the employee health insurance plan.

Finance Board approves increase for Arkansas employee health insurance premiums

KUAR | By Ronak Patel

The State Board of Finance on Friday unanimously approved increasing the rate paid to cover the cost of Arkansas state employee health insurance premiums. Currently, the state provides coverage for about 160,000 state and public school employees along with retirees and their families.

Jake Bleed, director of the Employee Benefits Division, told board members during a hearing that the state paying 65% of the cost of health insurance premiums is not enough.

According to a memo from the Employee Benefits Division, if Arkansas keeps the rate at 65%, the state’s health insurance plan for public school employees will begin deficit spending by 2025 and run out of its reserves by 2028.


Ronak Patel/KUAR News

Jake Bleed, director of the Employee Benefits Division (center), explains to the State Finance Board the issues with the employee health insurance plan.