Entergy Arkansas

LR Port achieves Entergy Arkansas ‘Select Site’ certification for 875-acre megasite

by Roby Brock (roby@talkbusiness.net)

The Little Rock Regional Chamber and Entergy Arkansas announced Friday (March 7) the completion of its Select Site certification for a new 875-acre industrial megasite located on the southeastern portion of the Little Rock Port.

Representatives from both organizations along with U.S. Rep. French Hill, R-Little Rock; Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott Jr.; Pulaski County Judge Barry Hyde; and leadership from the Little Rock Port Authority attended a press conference.

Select Site is an initiative designed to provide Entergy Arkansas-served communities with a competitive advantage and shovel-ready sites. This developmental and promotional tool allows communities to certify sites using a set of comprehensive and pre-determined criteria to better satisfy site location searches by consultants and companies.

LR Port achieves Entergy Arkansas ‘Select Site’ certification for 875-acre megasite

New commerce secretary says entrepreneurship will be a focus

by Roby Brock (roby@talkbusiness.net)

Lured out of retirement by Gov. Sarah Sanders, Hugh McDonald, former Entergy Arkansas CEO, said he still has a lot to contribute.

“I got a call one night out of the blue and had an offer that I really couldn’t refuse. The Governor is a good negotiator, and I think I still have a little bit to contribute and it’s in sort of the wheelhouse that I worked a lot in in my previous life in economic development and workforce development and running a large organization,” said McDonald, a guest on this week’s Talk Business & Politics. McDonald retired from Entergy in 2018 and he is the former chairman of the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce.

He will be different than his predecessor, Mike Preston, who wore two hats as Secretary of Commerce and director of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission. McDonald will wear the cabinet secretary hat and he’s elevated Clint O’Neal to the AEDC director’s post.
