GOP Chairman

With GOP taking House majority, Rep. Westerman in line for committee chairmanship

by Roby Brock (

With Republicans taking control of the U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Rep. Bruce Westerman, R-Hot Springs, is poised to lead the House Natural Resources Committee.

Westerman, who was first elected to Congress in 2014, is the ranking member on the committee. A forester and engineer by trade, he was re-elected earlier this month to his fifth term.

While there are still a handful of close House races to be called, Republicans have won 218 seats, enough to secure the majority. Democrats have presently been declared victors in 210 House seats. There are still seven races too close to call.

Former GOP Chair Doyle Webb Jumps in Lieutenant Governor’s Race

Former Arkansas GOP chairman Doyle Webb announced Tuesday (May 4) he will enter the race for Lt. Governor in 2022.

Webb, a former state senator from Benton, previously worked in the Lt. Governor’s office during Win Rockefeller’s term in office.

Webb was chairman of the Republican Party of Arkansas from 2008-2020, a period of time that saw Republicans become the majority party in the state. Earlier this year, he was named by Attorney General Leslie Rutledge to assist with the legislative redistricting through the Board of Apportionment. Webb said he resigned that position last week.