Griffin Statement

Attorney General Griffin praises Arkansas Supreme Court's rejection of motion brought by convicted felon of Little Rock

Griffin offered the following statement:

“Convicted felon Oscar Stilley’s emergency motion sought to resurrect the abortion amendment ballot petition by compelling the Secretary of State to provisionally certify it for the November general election. I applaud the Arkansas Supreme Court’s decision to deny Stilley’s motion as moot after the court had correctly denied the attempt by the sponsor of the abortion amendment to get on the ballot.

“Stilley has no legal standing to bring this lawsuit in the first place. In fact, his filings have made it clear that he cares more about re-litigating his federal felony conviction. This attempt to retry his conviction has done nothing but waste the court’s time and taxpayers’ money.”

To read a copy of the court’s rejection of the motion, click here.

To download a PDF version of this release, click here.