Gun Bill

Arkansas Senate Overrides Governor Hutchinson Veto of Gun Bill

by Roby Brock (

The Arkansas State Senate voted 21-12 Monday (April 26) to override Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s veto of SB 298, a bill that would give state and local law enforcement the ability to not cooperate with federal law enforcement officials.

It restricts local or state law enforcement or public officials from enforcing or assisting federal agencies or officers “in the enforcement of any federal statute, executive order, or federal agency directive that conflicts with the Arkansas Constitution.” The measure specifically addresses federal requirements to register or track firearms, any prohibition against possession or ownership of a firearm or accessory, or the confiscation of firearms or ammunition.


Governor Vetoes Gun Bill Over Concerns with Federal Law Enforcement Cooperation

by Talk Business & Politics staff

Gov. Asa Hutchinson vetoed SB 298, the Arkansas Sovereignty Act of 2021, over concerns it would hinder local and state law enforcement cooperation with federal law enforcement entities. It is Hutchinson’s third veto of the session.

“The partnership between state and local law enforcement officers is essential for the safety of Arkansas citizens. This bill will break that partnership and put the safety of Arkansans at risk,” the governor said.

Citing several legal precedents on gun laws enumerated in the bill, Hutchinson also said its implementation would have the effect of giving opportunities for violent criminals to circumvent prosecution.

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