HB 1382

Legislature considers bill to regulate Disability Rights Arkansas

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

About 75 years ago, people with severe intellectual or emotional disabilities in Arkansas were relegated to one state facility in downtown Little Rock.

In the late 1800s, it was called the Arkansas Lunatic Asylum. About 20 years later, the name changed to the Arkansas State Hospital for Nervous Diseases. And in 1933, the state settled on its current title: the Arkansas State Hospital.

Now, families have a few more options. There are five Human Development Centers scattered around Arkansas. These are long term care facilities where residents eat, work, sleep and live among people with similar challenges or diagnoses.

Legislature considers bill to regulate Disability Rights Arkansas

Mary Hennigan/Arkansas Advocate

Tom Masseau, executive director of Disability Rights Arkansas, testifies against House Bill 1382 on Feb. 11, 2025.

Committee halts public comment, approves bill to require reports from Arkansas disability nonprofit

KUAR | By Mary Hennigan / Arkansas Advocate

From the Arkansas Advocate:

Legislation to require a disability advocacy group to supply reports to the Legislature earned initial approval from Arkansas lawmakers Tuesday.

Separately, the House Committee on Public Health, Welfare and Labor also sent the governor’s Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies Act on to the full House for consideration.

Under Rep. Jack Ladyman’s House Bill 1382, Disability Rights Arkansas (DRA) would be mandated to provide reports to subcommittees of the Arkansas Legislative Council for review, even though the independent nonprofit doesn’t receive state funding.

Committee halts public comment, approves bill to require reports from Arkansas disability nonprofit

Mary Hennigan/Arkansas Advocate

Rep. Jack Ladyman, R-Jonesboro, presents a bill to the House Committee on Public Health, Welfare and Labor on Feb. 11, 2025. The bill would require Disability Rights Arkansas, a federally funded nonprofit, to provide reports to the Legislature.