HR 554

Representative French Hill's bill to expose financial corruption of China's leaders passes house

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Rep. French Hill (AR-02) today released the following statement after his bill, H.R. 554 - Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act, passed the House. If China takes hostile military action against Taiwan, this bill would expose the financial corruption of China’s top leaders and their families.

“As we have seen in current conflicts around the world, deterring our foreign adversaries from taking further aggressive steps on the world stage is crucial to enhance global stability and strengthen America’s national security. Under Speaker Johnson’s leadership, many of these bills we are voting on in the House this week do just that.

“I applaud the passage of my bipartisan bill to expose the financial corruption of top Chinese leaders and their families triggered should China dare to utilize military force to take control of Taiwan and am pleased my bill is one step closer to becoming law. We must demonstrate unified strength in curbing Chinese aggression and thereby safeguarding our strategic interests and those of our allies.”

Further Background:

H.R. 554 - Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act: Rep. Hill's legislation would require public disclosure of the financial assets of top Chinese leaders in the event that China invades Taiwan.