Hormone Therapy

Arkansas Senate approves limits on gender-affirming care for minors

KUAR | By Josie Lenora

A bill passed by the Arkansas Senate on Tuesday would open physicians up to litigation if they offer gender-affirming care to children.

Senate Bill 199 would give people who received gender-affirming care as a child, including hormones and puberty blockers, a 15-year window to sue their physician.

Its sponsor, Sen. Gary Stubblefield, R-Branch, said the law would protect young children from the effects of irreversible surgeries and hormone treatments. However, no gender-affirmation surgeries are performed on minors in the state of Arkansas, and young children are not eligible for gender-affirming medical treatments.


Michael Hibblen/KUAR News

Lawmakers voted Tuesday to advance a bill that would allow transgender patients to sue their doctors.

Governor Hutchinson Issues Statement on District Court Decision to Grant Preliminary Injunction of Act 626

LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson issued the following statement on the U.S. District Court's decision to grant a preliminary injunction of Act 626.

“While this is a preliminary ruling, it appears the act will be struck down as unconstitutional for the same reason that I vetoed it. The act was too extreme and did not provide any relief for those young people currently undergoing hormone treatment with the consent of their parents and under the care of a physician. If the act would have been more limited, such as prohibiting sex reassignment surgery for those under 18, then I suspect the outcome would have been different.”

Arkansas Senate Passes Transgender Youth Medical Care Ban


A bill banning gender-affirming medical care for Arkansans under 18 is now one step away from becoming law.

The Senate on Monday passed House Bill 1570, which bans transgender youth from obtaining gender transition care, like puberty blockers and hormone therapy. The bill, called the Save Adolescents from Experimentation, or SAFE, Act, would open physicians up to civil litigation and licensure penalties for providing gender-transition related therapies, including surgery, to minors.

Republican Sen. Alan Clark of Hot Springs, a co-sponsor of the bill, presented it on the Senate floor.


Advocates for transgender youth, including actress Laverne Cox (top, center), urge Gov. Asa Hutchinson not to approve HB1570 in a news conference held by the ACLU.CREDIT ACLU / ZOOM

Advocates for transgender youth, including actress Laverne Cox (top, center), urge Gov. Asa Hutchinson not to approve HB1570 in a news conference held by the ACLU.