Howard Memorial Hospital

Howard Memorial Hospital Survey

Howard Memorial Hospital needs your help in conducting a Community Health Needs Assessment. We recently visited with Debra Wright HMH CEO, and Bill Craig CFO to talk about the importance of this survey.

Survey participants must meet the following criteria:

1) Will represent the broad interests of the community served

2) Will complete and return the survey to ASU timely

(Surveys must be completed and returned to ASU by May 21, 2021)

Each participant should represent one or more of the following populations; please check all that apply:

____Adult age 65 or older

____African American or Hispanic

____Parents of children under age 18; Female head of household with children under age 18;

Grandparents who are responsible for raising grandchildren

____Works in Public Education or Public Health

If you are interested in participating in a focus group meeting, please contact Kim Turbeville at 870 845-8006 and give her your name, contact number, address and the population(s) you are representing based on the list above. She will forward the survey to you along with your stamped, addressed envelope and $15 gift certificate for participating.

Heart Saver CPR Classes and Stop the Bleed Classes at Howard Memorial in Nashville

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Howard Memorial Hospital will be resuming the Heart Saver CPR Classes and Stop the Bleed Classes. Class size will be limited to 20, masks will be required and social distancing guidelines will be in effect. For information or to schedule a class, please contact Jeff Williams, RN at 870-845-4400.