Ideal Diamond

History of Famous Find at Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro, AR

On permanent display in the visitor center at Arkansas's Crater of Diamonds State Park, the site where this splendid stone was discovered, the Strawn-Wagner Diamond is the most perfect diamond the American Gem Society (AGS) ever certified in its laboratory. Graded the perfect grade of O/O/O (Ideal cut/D color/Flawless), or "Triple Zero," it is the highest grade a diamond can achieve. This is the most perfect a cut diamond can be. A diamond this perfect is so rare that most jewelers and gemologists never see one during their career.

Found at the Crater of Diamonds State Park in 1990 by Shirley Strawn of Murfreesboro, Arkansas, this diamond weighed 3.03 carats in the rough. In 1997, under the recommendation of Bill Underwood, Arkansas's first certified gemologist, the gem was sent to Lazare Kaplan International of New York for cutting. Lazare Kaplan cut the gem to perfection into a 1.09-carat, round brilliant-shape diamond featuring an "Ideal Cut." This cut allows for the maximum amount of light to be reflected from one facet to another and up through the top.

Strawn-Wagner Arkansas State Parks